
KONŠTRUKTA – Defence, a.s.

is a research and development company that hires the team of project-oriented engineers dealing with design, development, system integration and certification of land and air defence weapon systems, ammunition, command and fire control systems, electronic systems and other special modified bodies, wheeled and tracked chassis of army vehicles. Our competence and capabilities have been proven over decades of work in the defence R&D business. Products developed, modernised or modified by our company are used and appreciated by customers all over the world.

In the past, the R&D represented the main focus of KONŠTRUKTA – Defence, which has been expanding with current demand of potential business partners, as well as modernisation of Slovak armed forces. Nowadays, the company offers innovative construction designs and expertise treating the development and testing of weapon and electronic systems, special platforms of wheeled and tracked vehicles, production and maintenance of military technology. KONŠTRUKTA – Defence manages its activities in Dubnica nad Váhom, Lieskovec and Moldava nad Bodvou.

Research and development

Project development focusing on

Weapon systems

  • development of artillery, rocket, mortar, mining and demining systems
  • development of military support systems (ammunition and command vehicles)
  • solutions for hydraulic and electric drives of special bodies


  • Development of new ammunition (high explosive fragmentation, armour piercing, high explosive anti tank, illuminating, smoke, development of mortar and artillery cartridges)
  • Modification of existing ammunition to increase its target effect
  • Ecological disposal systems for needless and obsolete ammunition

Electronic systems

  • artillery, rocket and mortar control systems:
  • at a level of weapon units – control of traverse, elevation and loading mechanisms
  • on battery or battalion levels in conjunction with headquarters section
  • Development of containers as suitable carriers of information technologies

Civilian research and development projects

  • projects focused on health research (hydrogen therapy)
  • special research projects (Project to increase the strength properties of a selected component of a special technique while maintaining the optimum level of plastic properties)

Company philosophy

Our company has been growing based on the traditional business values throughout its history. For decades of the company existence, we have focused mainly on research and development projects based on state defense requirements, which would have not been possible without the working teams, consisting of highly qualified experts – the pillar of Konštrukta – Defence.

The company deals with the project solutions, engineering designs and expertises in very specific field implementing both the science and technology into the conceptual solutions, therefore the staff must be formed by qualified and skilled specialists.

After decades that included the innumerable amounts of specific projects, various innovative programs or tasks reflecting the wide variety of clients´ demands, the company has come to the stage, at which it possesses the source of technical project documentation – its unique KNOW-HOW.

The specific scope of the company referring to a distinct group of clients such as armed forces of different countries and the constant development of military and defence technologies have allowed the company to create very close business relations with the end users of our projects and the intensive interaction between user´s demands and our competent solutions. Our company has been moving forward considering the generation exchange, changing international standards and greater requirements of our clients.

The company retains its position in the military and defence market and successfully follows ever changing world trends. It achieved its status as a key player in the international military industry also by regular and active participation and company presentation at the major international exhibitions, conferences and vocational seminars, as well as by press releases in specialized media.

Spoločnosť si udržiava svoje pevné postavenie na trhu obrannej a vojenskej techniky a úspešne dokáže čeliť neustále meniacim sa svetovým trendom. Pravidelná účasť a prezentovanie firmy na špecializovaných svetových veľtrhoch, výstavách, v odborných médiách, tiež aktívna účasť na konferenciách a odborných seminároch potvrdzujú spoločnosti postavenie aktívneho obchodného hráča vo svete obranného priemyslu.

Konštrukta – Defence is constantly changing its image and nowadays it is also referred to as a producing company, dealing with the complex requests of its clients. Furthermore, the company offers the maintenance and repair services of military technology and equipment at its premises in the use of armed forces.


Aim to meet the client´s requests has made the company to expand and modify the company´s organizational structure in order to ensure all the related process activities. Company´s values expressed completely its approaches, functioning, presentations and position in the market:

  • Innovativeness – we follow new trends and changing requests of international defence industry and our clients
  • Uniqueness -we possess the know-how with long term tradition and skilled teams that makes us a unique company on the domestic market and strong competitor worldwide
  • Integrity – is a very important element, whereas our conceptual solutions are combination of more scientific and technical disciplines
  • Teamwork – it would not be possible without appropriate human resources. Close cooperation and interconnection of specialized departments allow effective and flexible company operation
  • Motivation – is a basic feature while achieving required results and solutions mainly for long term projects and tasks

The main objectives of company KONŠTRUKTA – Defence are to provide the reliable operations in the field of development and design, special testing, production, maintenance services in accordance to the needs of our customers and to remain one of the recognized companies in the international defence market.


KONŠTRUKTA-Defence, a.s. is a successor company of KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín, National Enterprise, founded in 1953 after a defence division of ŠKODA Plzeň was moved to Dubnica nad Váhom.

Later in 1957, the national enterprise KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín built a Special testing facility in Lieskovec to achieve its aim – to ensure development of military equipment projects in its own workplaces and to eliminate travelling of designers to distant places and to ensure the projects without useless over-costs wasted on transport, accommodation and boarding.

In 1959 KONŠTRUKTA established an operation in Brno and later in 1972 in Prague based on the increasing demand for special defence technologies in former Czechoslovakia and the “Eastern Block”. KONŠTRUKTA became one of the major R&D organizations in the “Eastern Block” employing over 2 500 people.

In the 70s the company focused on designing and developing single-purpose machines also for commercial use by rubber, glass, and food processing industries. Various medical equipment and devices were designed and developed by the company at that period as well.

Most of the projects carried out by the company during the 80s were defence oriented; however, towards the end of the 80s and at the beginning of the 90s the company started to experience an impact of conversion period in defence field that emerged primarily due to the collapse of communist regime in the region which finally resulted into the end of Cold War between the East and the West.

Consequently, the company was forced to downsize and the operations in Brno and Prague separated and became independent from the mother company. In 1993 KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín was divided into two independent legal entities with an intention to separate the defence and commercial activities of the company. Thus KONŠTRUKTA-Defence, State Enterprise and KONŠTRUKTA-Industry, State Enterprise came into existence. KONŠTRUKTA-Defence, State Enterprise was transformed into KONŠTRUKTA-Defence, joint-stock company in 1996.

  • KONŠTRUKTA - Defence, a.s. 2020


  • Manufacture / assembly 2019

    Assembly hall opening in Lieskovec

  • Development projects 2018

    Maintenance and repair section opening in Moldava nad Bodvou

  • Moved to to Dubnica nad Váhom 2013

    KONŠTRUKTA – Defence, a.s. moved from Trenčín to Dubnica nad Váhom

  • Member of DMD Group 2004

    KONŠTRUKTA-Defence, a.s. was integrated into holding group DMD Group, a.s.

  • Transformation 1996

    KONŠTRUKTA-Defence, State Enterprise was transformed into a company incorporated (a.s.)

  • Division of the company 1993

    KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín, State Enterprise was divided into two independent legal entitie: KONŠTRUKTA – Defence, state enterprise and KONŠTRUKTA – Industry, state enterprise

  • Joint Stock Company 1988

    KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín, National Enterprise was transformed into a State Enterprise

  • Established 1953

    KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín, National Enterprise was established

Business partners