
Testing and certification

Authorized, notified body and testing laboratory

Pyrotechnics products UKCA

Approved Body under The Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2015, SI 2015 No. 1553 as amended (United Kingdom)

Scope of notification

– Fireworks (Category F1, F2, F3, F4)

– Theatrical pyrotechnic articles (Category T1, T2)

– Other pyrotechnic articles (Category P1, P2)

Information for customers

Pyrotechnic products

Notified Body 1395 – Council Directive 2013/29/EU
Authorized Body SKTC-112 – Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 70/2015 Coll.

Scope of notification

  • Fireworks (category F1)
  • Fireworks (category F2 and F3)
  • Fireworks (category F4)
  • Theatrical pyrotechnic articles
  • Pyrotechnic articles for vehicles
  • Other pyrotechnic articles

Information for customers

Database of Pyrotechnical Articles

Complaints and appeals settlement

Classification of dangerous goods for transport


Authorized body SKTC – 112

Classification of dangerous goods for transport (ADR, RID, ICAO, IMDG, ADN)

Explosives for civil purpose

Notified Body 1395 – Council Directive 2014/28/EU
Authorized Body SKTC-112 – Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 131/2016 Coll.

Scope of notification

Explosive for civil uses

  • EU type-examination – Annex II. 1
  • Unit verification – Annex II. 6
  • Conformity to type – Annex II. 2
  • Production quality assurance – Annex II. 3
  • Product quality assurance – Annex II. 4
  • Product verification- Annex II. 5

Information for customers

Tests and Certification of hand arms and ammunition

Authorized body SKTC – 112

Membership in international organization C.I.P.

Official testing of weapons and ammunition SKTC-112 Lieskovec has a status of national testing operation of the Slovak Republic within the membership in Commission International Permanente, whose membership is as well the Slovak Republic since 1993. International audits confirmed the ability of this testing operation to perform tests on level needed for realization of requirement for interactive acknowledgement of testing marks weapon and ammunition between the member countries in C.I.P. Active participation in meetings of working groups, sub-commissions and in plenary meetings provides an opportunity to participate in creation of testing conditions and assumptions to secure objective and compliant testing conditions. In accordance with recommendation of C.I.P. and under § 38 of the Firearms and ammunition and amendments to certain laws No. 190/2003, the testing operation performs periodic verification of weapons with pressure test, during which the weapon is exposed to higher pressure of dusty gases, produced by the usage of special testing ammunition. The gun holders can arrange a meeting of weapon submission for verification of security on address stated in Contacts.

In case of interest of manufacturers to assess conformity of hand arms and ammunition in accordance with the Act No. 64/2019 Coll. of the Slovak Republic (homologation of the firing arm, type test of firing arm, type test of ammunition, inspection) the clients may send the Application Form for conformity assessment available in the section “Forms for download”.

Information for customers

Accredited test laboratory

Accredited tests

Scope of accreditation

  • Technical products (products of special, electrical and transport technology)
  • Weapons
  • Ammunition
  • Personal protective equipment for body and head (resistance to shooting and stabbing)
  • Other protective materials (resistance to external effects)
  • Explosives
  • Detonators and connectors
  • Detonating cords and safety fuses
  • Pyrotechnic articles
  • Industrial fertilizers

Information for customers

Specialized testing

  • Prolongation of technical lifetime
  • Ammunition tests
  • Mechanical tests
  • Climatic tests


KONŠTRUKTA - Defence, a.s.
Special Testing Operation LIESKOVEC (PŠSL)
P. O. BOX 11
Authorized body SKTC-112
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom
Slovak Republic

contact of office - Ľubica Kupková
00421 42 285 2221

contact of Testing Department - Jakub Rajec
00421 42 285 2278

contact of certification body certifying products - Ing. Michal Kováč
00421 42 285 2223

06:00 – 14:00