KONŠTRUKTA – Defence, a.s. is a research and development company that hires the team of project-oriented engineers dealing with design, development, system integration and certification of land and air defence weapon systems, ammunition, command and fire control systems, electronic systems and other special modified bodies, wheeled and tracked chassis of army vehicles.
Our competence and capabilities have been proven over decades of work in the defence R&D business. Products developed, modernised or modified by our company are used and appreciated by customers all over the world.
In the past, the R&D represented the main focus of KONŠTRUKTA – Defence, which has been expanding with current demand of potential business partners, as well as modernisation of Slovak armed forces.
Nowadays, the company offers innovative construction designs and expertise treating the development and testing of weapon and electronic systems, special platforms of wheeled and tracked vehicles, production and maintenance of military technology.
KONŠTRUKTA – Defence manages its activities in Dubnica nad Váhom, Lieskovec and Moldava nad Bodvou.
Research and development
Project development focusing on:
Weapon systems
- development of artillery, rocket, mortar, mining and demining systems
- development of military support systems (ammunition and command vehicles)
- solutions for hydraulic and electric drives of special bodies
Electronic systems
- Artillery, rocket and mortar control systems:
- at a level of weapon units – control of traverse, elevation and loading mechanisms
- on battery or battalion levels in conjunction with headquarters section
- Development of containers as suitable carriers of information technologies
- Development of new ammunition (high explosive fragmentation, armour piercing, high explosive anti tank, illuminating, smoke, development of mortar and artillery cartridges)
- Modification of existing ammunition to increase its target effect
- Ecological disposal systems for needless and obsolete ammunition
Civilian research and development projects:
- projects focused on health research (hydrogen therapy)
- special research projects (Project to increase the strength properties of a selected component of a special technique while maintaining the optimum level of plastic properties)
Manufacturing / Assembly
- the demand of Slovak Ministry of Defence to produce 155 mm 52 cal. self-propelled gun howitzers ZUZANA 2 resulted in reconstruction and modernisation of assembly hall in the area of Special testing facility Lieskovec
- the testing facility specialises in testing of wide range assortment of military technology, as well as testing and certification of civil arms, ammunition, explosives and pyrotechnic products and other types of special technology for civil or military use
- except the maintenance services and durability verification of various materials and other special equipment, we offer the safe and ecological disposal of explosive and non-explosive products
Project development and maintenance in Moldava nad Bodvou
- offers the services in the field of repairs and maintenance of vehicles and military technology of all categories, which are used by Slovak Armed forces.