člen skupiny

Pyrotechnic products

Notified Body 1395 – Council Directive 2013/29/EU
Authorized Body SKTC-112 – Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 70/2015 Coll.

Scope of notification

  • Fireworks (category F1)
  • Fireworks (category F2 and F3)
  • Fireworks (category F4)
  • Theatrical pyrotechnic articles
  • Pyrotechnic articles for vehicles
  • Other pyrotechnic articles

Information for customers

Procedures of conformity assessment

Forms for download


Database of Pyrotechnical Articles

Certificate of accreditation


Operation of special testing LIESKOVEC

KONŠTRUKTA - Defence, a.s.
Special Testing Operation LIESKOVEC (PŠSL)
P. O. BOX 11
Authorized body SKTC-112
018 41 Dubnica nad Váhom
Slovak Republic

contact of office - Ľubica Kupková
00421 42 285 2221

contact of Testing Department - Jakub Rajec
00421 42 285 2278

contact of certification body certifying products - Ing. Michal Kováč
00421 42 285 2223

06:00 – 14:00